Archive for October 29, 2007

Apple refusing to accept cash for iPhone, limits ’em to two per person

Apple refusing to accept cash for iPhone, limits ’em to two per person – Engadget

I felt a need to comment on this since it has been all over the news sinceĀ  the end of last week…

Some have commented that this may be illegal. I don’t believe it is, as I don’t believe there is a law that says a business HAS to take cash. In fact, I know of at least one airline that has refused cash in their cabins for at least a year now.

I do feel this is a bad business decision. There are a lot of people who live without credit cards (including me) that this discriminates against. Yes- it is possible for most people these days to get a debit card, but still- I feel this is a form of discrimination, and should be addressed as-such. I can’t believe that any business would refuse cash.

I used to have a lot of respect for Apple. I have an old G4 that still works faster and much more reliably than many newer Windows machines. Their iPod was nothing short of genious, and I’ll admit to having one of them too, although it is only a Shuffle. Frankly- I very seldom have a need to listen to music in such a portable format, so I don’t need a screen and any features short of a Play, Pause, and Skip button. But- after all of the recent iPhone controversy, and their alliance with the evil empire of telecommunications, I have almost no respect for them anymore.

October 29, 2007 at 11:04 am Leave a comment


October 2007